Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Error 452: Match column X not found in Y

Today I had to create a new column in EIM_CONTACT table, to build a new attribute mapping for deletion purposes. All went fine until I test my EIM task.

Error 452: Match column X_COLUMN not found in S_CONTACT.

I run trough all my steps to find what's wrong in it. All seems to be in perfect shape. My next step was to loose some time reading bookshelf and Siebel support SR's. Nothing came across that helped me to solve my problem.

Last step in problem resolution algorithm, ask for help. Allways work!!

My colleague João had the solution, Siebel caches EIM mappings in \siebsrvr\BIN\diccache.dat, all we have to do is delete this file and Siebel will build a new one for you (with your new mappings).

Finally, I successfully ran my EIM process.

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