Friday, September 12, 2008

Client Side Logging - Siebel

books at bedtime

If you read technical blogs, you get the impression that these guys don't have a life and if they sleep at all, they sleep with the Siebel Bookshelf under their pillow.

I can confirm it is not that bad. However, rtfm ---> is always a good thing and it sometimes reveals features that are quite helpful.

This post tries to shed some light on the Client-Side Logging or High-Interactivity Siebel applications. You can read the full documentation in the System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide --->

Client-side logging for high-interactivity applications writes information to a local log file.

It is useful to close the gap in monitoring that existed in earlier Siebel versions, which means you can now

  • capture browser activity data for troubleshooting, such as when a Siebel Web Client stops responding or fails
  • Log individual user or global session information for a specific Siebel Server
  • Debug the source code using JavaScript
  • Trace the sequences of operations

You can enable Client-Side Logging either by setting the SEBLCL_TRACEMODE environment variable on the client machine or setting parameters for the object manager component on the Siebel server like in the following example:

change param
for compdef SCCObjMgr_enu

Once enabled, log files are created in the given local directory of each client. Let's look at a typical file's content.

click to enlarge

So each entry in the file shows which area it belongs to along with the log level, timestamp and - most notably - a SARM id, which allows you to correlate the client file content with SARM files from the server components.

So it is possible to trace a complete client session from the the click in the browser to the operation in the database connector layer of the object manager.

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