Friday, September 12, 2008

siebel.exe switches - siebel

...and siebdev.exe too ;-)

siebel.exe, as we all know, is the engine behind the non-zero-footprint flavour of Siebel applications, namely the Mobile Web Client or the Developer Web Client. Some call it fat client, some call it dedicated web client, depending mostly on the year when they first heard about it. Discussions whether the Mobile Web Client is a different installer than the Developer Web Client and whether the Developer Web Client is the same thing as the fat client often reach religious depths.

The installer places a bunch of shortcuts in the windows start menu which usually follow the syntax of


So /c is a mandatory switch because any Siebel applications consists of the very same executable along with a different configuration file from which it reads the rest of its knowledge.

In order to please the more inquisitive among you, find below a complete list of switches that you can use with siebel.exe. If you know of any other switch, please inform us.

Typical switches (used in shortcuts)

/c Path to .cfg file (required), directory path defaults to \bin\enu
/d Datasource (as in .cfg file), defaults to local
/l language (optional, language pack must be installed), defaults to enu
/u Username (optional)
/p Password (optional)
/s Path to spool file (optional, to spool all SQL generated by siebel.exe)

Extra switches

/b Path to Browser executable (optional, for multi-browser testing of customer or partner (SI) applications)
/h Debug Mode (used with Siebel Tools for debugging)
/ctsim (often confused with /ctisim, which does not work ;-) CTI Simulation mode (used for demo)
/editseeddata allows modification of seed data, often referred to in maintenance release guides

And now for siebdev.exe:

siebdev.exe is the engine behind Siebel Tools, which is the only application that does not run in a browser window. However, Siebel Tools is defined in the Siebel Repository and the siebdev.exe works just like the siebel.exe. That is, it reads a .cfg file and an .srf file (the file that newbies usually try to compile to during their first steps with Siebel Tools).

So siebdev.exe accepts most of the switches that siebel.exe does, namely /c, /d, /u, /p and /s.

But there are some additional switches, used in conjunction with the "classic" ones. They have been passed along from consultant mouth to consultant ear for eons before they found their way into the documentation.

/bv runs all validation rules for the entire repository, so take your time
/batchimport automates the import of .sif files
/batchexport automates the export of objects to .sif files
/bc allows to run batch compilation
/tl language (typically used with /bc for multiple language deployments)
/applybatchpatch is used for applying batch patches, or patches in batches.

Have a nice day

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